CA Workers Compensation Rate Class Changes

Restaurant classification changes effective September 1, 2024!

Resulting from a multi-year WCIRB study on the Food and Beverage Industry, the recommendation to divide Classification 9079(1), Restaurants or Taverns, into 6 new classifications was approved and will go into effect for policies incepting on or after September 1, 2024.

This will effectively eliminate Classification 9079(1). Any operations assignable to this class code must be reassigned to one of the following new class codes:

9058 Hotels, Motels or Short-Term Residential Housing – food or beverage employees

9080 Restaurants – full service   

9081(1) Restaurants – N.O.C.  

9082 Caterers – not restaurants   

9083 Restaurants – fast food or fast casual

9084 Bars or Taverns – not restaurants

Reservation Management System